Monthly Archives: December 2010

Winter Horseback Riding

horseback riding

In riding a horse we borrow freedom. ~Helen Thomson

If you think winter isn’t a good time for horseback riding, think again! There’s nothing like a nice, long trail ride in crisp weather, when there are no flies to swat. Winter is a wonderful time to relax on horseback!

Besides dressing in warm layers, here are some good winter horseback riding tips to inspire you to saddle up!

Don’t forget … River Valley Horse Ranch is OPEN weekends from 10am-4pm. Reservation Line: (952) 361-3361


Filed under horse magazine, horseback riding mn, Horses, Mn Horseback Riding, Mn Trail Rides, Trail Rides, Winter Trail Rides

Wild Horses

Over 100 years ago, there were an estimated 2 million mustangs roaming the range. The word mustang comes from the Spanish word mustengo, which means “owner-less beast.” The American mustangs originally came from the Spanish stock of horses brought to America in the beginning of the 16th century.

According to a couple of sources, less than 17,000 mustangs roam the ranges today.  During our surfing we came across one woman’s quest to protect these noble beasts.

Happy Holidays!!!

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Filed under Horses, Mn Horseback Riding, Mustangs